
It's Been An Amazing 15 Years

Seward Park Audubon Center is celebrating 15 years

It's Been An Amazing 15 Years

Seward Park Audubon Center is celebrating 15 years

It's been an amazing journey. This Center came into being through the work of people in this community who recognized the precious nature of this urban forest. A forest that could benefit from reforestation efforts and protections, and in return, the forest would serve to inspire a love of nature and grow an understanding of ecosystems. 

When we first opened the Center 15 years ago, "welcome" was etched into the front door in six languages. That welcome continues to greet everyone who passes through that door, joins us on guided walks, attends our lectures, learns on our school field trips, and develops skills in our teen programs. From military veterans to toddlers, and high school students to individuals with physical limitations, we've helped people learn and find joy here on this spectacular peninsula. 

We have provided a platform to so many writers, photographers, storytellers, and more at our live programs at the Royal Room in Columbia City. Still more have shared their nature-based research at our Science, Nature, and a Biscuit events. Our staff has led countless guided nature walks across a broad range of topics spanning from geology and lichens to conifers and bats..not to mention birds.

You can help our Center continue to grow and support conservation and nature education in Seattle. Learn about Seward Park Audubon Center's Renew 15 Campaign and help us provide support to our community just like we have for 15 years.

To all who have joined us as volunteers, donors, partners, and participants, we say "THANK YOU!!" The Center continues our work but will take a day to celebrate 15 wonderful years with some great events and activities. Please join us in the celebration.

Find our list of B'Earthday Events here

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