
Birds and Climate Change

Audubon's report identifies at-risk species
Photo: Kurt Wecker

Birds and Climate Change

Audubon's report identifies at-risk species

Climate change has been our most formidable conservation challenge. We have already seen the effects that our warming world has on habitat quality, biodiversity, and ecosystem recovery. 

In September of 2014, Audubon released the Birds and Climate Change Report, which identifies climate change as the single greatest threat to North American birds. Using thousands of citizen-generated bird reports and complex climate models generated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), scientists mapped current and projected climatic ranges of each of 588 bird species. What their work found is shocking. 314 species--nearly half of North American birds-- will lose at least 50% of their climatic range by 2080.

This is dire news for our bird populations, and now is the time to act on their behalf. Audubon's report shows us the areas in which we need to double our efforts in conservation. Join us in our efforts to preserve our region's biodiversity in the face of climate change. Join a restoration event in Seward Park or a nationwide citizen science project. Plant native plants in your garden to create critical bird habitat. Be informed of the issues surrounding birds and climate change. Do small things that have a big impact.

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Some of Washington's Climate-Threatened Species

Trumpeter Swan

Latin:  Cygnus buccinator

Illustration for Trumpeter Swan

Bohemian Waxwing

Latin:  Bombycilla garrulus

Illustration for Bohemian Waxwing

Ring-necked Duck

Latin:  Aythya collaris

Illustration for Ring-necked Duck

Barrow's Goldeneye

Latin:  Bucephala islandica

Illustration for Barrow's Goldeneye

Hooded Merganser

Latin:  Lophodytes cucullatus

Illustration for Hooded Merganser

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Latin:  Sitta canadensis

Illustration for Red-breasted Nuthatch

Varied Thrush

Latin:  Ixoreus naevius

Illustration for Varied Thrush

Hairy Woodpecker

Latin:  Dryobates villosus

Illustration for Hairy Woodpecker

Western Tanager

Latin:  Piranga ludoviciana

Illustration for Western Tanager

Common Loon

Latin:  Gavia immer

Illustration for Common Loon

Pine Siskin

Latin:  Spinus pinus

Illustration for Pine Siskin

Greater Scaup

Latin:  Aythya marila

Illustration for Greater Scaup
Community Science

Community Science

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Hummingbirds at Home

Hummingbirds at Home

Helping Hummingbirds in a Changing World

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