Forest & Shore Restoration
Forest & Shore Restoration
The Seward Park Audubon Center hosts restoration events throughout the year, sponsored and organized by the Center in conjunction with the Seward Park Reforestation project and made possible by a Toyota TogetherGreen grant. You can sustain the ecosystems of Seward Park by pulling invasive blackberry, ivy, holly, and laurel, building trails, and restoring the riparian habitat. Contact us if you would like us to host a restoration service project for your business, school, or organization.
Check the Events Calendar for monthly Restoration for Everyone workparties, usually on the 4th Saturday of the month.
How you can help, right now
Get Involved
We rely on the talents of our volunteers to promote the efforts of the Center. Whether you're a budding naturalist or an organized decision-maker, we need you!
Get Native
Incorporating native plants into your yard or balcony garden provides important habitat for birds and promotes biodiversity.